
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM

Av. Pedro de Castro Van-Dunen-Loy, TSE Building n°54, Ground Floor - Left

Trusted by some Biggest Names

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The Angola-Canada International Business Chamber is an institution founded by Angolan and Canadian businesspeople with the aim of boosting commercial relations between Angola and Canada. Having in its range companies and entrepreneurs from various sectors, its foundation constitutes a milestone in commercial relations and not only between both countries.

What we do

After identifying and mapping potential sectors in Angola or Canada, CINAC organizes commercial Mission, that includes participation in fairs, scheduling B2B meetings, training, technical visits and social events. The purpose is to develop the market of it's associates and partners.

CINAC serves as connecting link between Angolan and Canadian companies , in other physical and functional structure in both countries, it enables us to represent and look after the best interests of our associates and partners.

We guide our associates and partners towards a position, that adds value to business, we support the establishment of companies in Canada and Angola.

CINAC is specialized in promoting matchmaking between Canadians and Angolan companies, by carefully analyzing each person's profile and identifying business opportunities. After this process, CINAC organizes events that offers several objectives meetings, optimizing business owners time and creating concrete business possibilities.

In addition to CINAC's activities, we provide fairs and events for other partners in Canada and Angola. We have a solid annual agenda that covers key business areas.

We make available professionals who produce studies reports and updates relevant information to business between markets.We have professionals in transversal areas that provide a clear perception of markets in which we operate.


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About Angola and Canada

It has a history of relations that dates back to February 3, 1978, after the signing of an agreement to initiate relations, signed by the Angolan Ambassador to the United Nations, Elisio de Figueiredo, and by Ambassador William H. Barton, representing Canada at the United Nations, and until then maintained a relationship of cooperation and friendship based on mutual respect and cordiality. Over the years, countless Angolans were welcomed to Canada where they found the opportunity to start a new story and achieve the satisfaction of living in Canada.

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